My Story

It is crazy to say that I actually enjoy doing taxes.Well, I think it is more the combination of researching and learning (as taxes changes all the time) and working and helping people with their tax needs.

About my background, I entered the Accounting field starting as an Accounting Assistant in 2003. I worked for a Commercial Property Investor managing multiple property accounts, while I pursued my Honor's Bachelor of Commerce and Certified General Accountancy (CGA), which I both completed and graduated in the fall of 2010. I have made the switch from working in private industry accounting to public accounting in 2009, and have worked almost 2 years as an Associate Accountant in a public accounting firm in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada before our family moved to North Carolina, USA in early 2011.

I was eager to continue my career and learn both Canadian and US tax worlds. I started volunteering with AARP (American Association of Retired People) performing individual tax returns for the year 2013. In 2014, I decided to take the Enrolled Agent examinations provided by IRS. I am officially an Enrolled Agent as of January 2015. In all my tax return preparer career, I have never nor my clients been Audited.

I am a highly motivated person and DB Tax Solutions provides me the opportunity to continually progress in my accounting knowledge and expertise as I help and work with clients on their tax needs. I enjoy the challenge.

DB Tax Solutions is here to provide you with your individual and small business tax needs. Please call or email if you have any questions regarding tax issues, I will be glad to assist you.

Phone: 252 - 425 - 6724

Note: This website is new and it is a work in progress.