Bookkeeping Engagement Letter

Engagement Letter – Ongoing QuickBooks® Services

DB Tax Solutions
593 Lake Royale,
Louisburg, NC 27549

Client Name & Address below:

We appreciate the opportunity of providing QuickBooks® accounting services to  (Company name) _______________________. To ensure a complete understanding between us, this letter will describe the scope and limitations of the services we will provide for you.

What We’ll Do

On a monthly basis, we will enter all accounting transactions for NC Tree Specialist>> into its QuickBooks company file. This includes checks, deposits, and other transactions affecting the checking account. It also includes estimates, invoices, credit memos, and all customer transactions. It includes vendor transactions: bills, item receipts, checks, credit card charges, and purchase orders. We will perform the bank reconciliation for the checking account. We will also enter adjusting journal entries as necessary, including depreciation.

We will set up new customers, employees, and vendors on an as needed basis. All of the above transactions will be entered from original documents and ledgers you provide.

What We Won’t Do

We will make no attempt to adjust the records to reflect Generally Accepted Accounting Principles nor to reflect proper tax record keeping. We will make no audit or other verification of the data you submit. We may provide reports that contain portions of financial information; these reports are for internal management use only. We will not perform any compilation, review or audit of any of the financial information. We do not at any time provide legal services of any type. We have not been requested to discover errors, misrepresentations, fraud, illegal acts, or theft. Therefore, have not included any procedures designed or intended to discover such acts, and you agree we have no responsibility to do so.

What We Need from You

To perform our services, we will need to obtain information on a timely and periodic basis from your company. These items include all the input such as check registers, bank statements, customer account information, customer invoices, sales ledgers and receipts, sales tax account information, vendor information, purchase orders and vendor invoices, federal tax ID number, payroll information, employee data, unemployment account information, and any other information that we may require to complete the work of this engagement. These items and any other items that we obtain from you will be based on information provided by you and will be used without any further verification or investigation on our part.

When We’ll Do It

This engagement will begin on ________________ and will continue on an as needed basis or until either party terminates the agreement. This engagement is made on a time-and-materials, best-efforts basis.

Services Outside the Scope of this Letter

You may request that we perform additional services at a future date not contemplated by this engagement letter. If this occurs, we will communicate with you regarding the scope and estimated cost of these additional services. Engagements for additional services will necessitate that we issue a separate engagement letter to reflect the obligations of both parties.


Our fee for these services will be at $30.00 per hour, plus any out-of-pocket expenses, such as monthly QBO subscription for $35.00, also the cost of running payroll. Invoices will be rendered monthly and are payable on presentation.


We are pleased to have you as a client and hope this will begin a long and pleasant association. Please date and sign a copy of this letter and return it to us to acknowledge your agreement with the terms of this engagement.
                                                                                                Sincerely yours,
                                                                                                Donna Brown
                                                                                                DB Tax Solutions


__________________________        ______________________   
Client signature                                   Date