Professional Reference

I am proud to make this statement in evaluating Donna Brown’s professionalism and ethical conduct as an Income Tax Counselor for the AARP Foundation. Her work was always completed in the most professional manner ready for e-filing/mailing to the Internal Revenue Service. Donna was always prompt to deliver services as promised and on time. Always abounding with a pleasant, warm and a skillful attitude, she continued throughout the period of our association to practice her proficiency as an Income Tax Counselor with superior knowledge and training. Donna always performed her duties with the perception of treating each customer as though that person and his/her personal income tax return is paramount to be completed with care and accuracy. Her approach to standards of conduct demonstrated to our group of tax counselors to have ample moral integrity and always preformed in the most professional manner. She was and could be a valued tax expert in any office desiring her valued service. I would be elated to have Donna Brown as a member of my staff anytime and anywhere should she desire to return.

Richard D. Heroux
AARP Local Coordinator
Louisburg Service Center